Serializable vs Externizable
Serializable |
Externizable |
Serializable is a marker interface (an interface with no methods) | Unlike Serializable, Externizable is a standard interface with two methods defined to be implemented by the implementing class. |
Serailization is a recursive process, all non-transient variables and super classes in the object hierarchy will be serialized causing an unnecessary overhead | User defines what should be serialized and what should not. Hence it is more optimized. Should be preferred for "Fat Objects" |
Serialization uses reflection mechanism for marshalling and un marshalling the objects. | Marshalling/Unmarshalling process is user defined. |
During de-serialization no constructor is called, hence initialization done in constructor will be skipped. | During de-serialization default constructor is invoked |
A default construtor definition is not mandatory when parameterized constructor(s) are defined | An explicit default constructor definition is mandatory, when parameterized constructor(s) is defined. Throws an exception if no default construtor in such cases. |
While flattening an Object implementing Serializable requires more space on disk as it store additional inforamation(field names, types super classes info and other metadata) along with the field values | An object implementing Externizable, will take lesser disk space while persiting it. |
The default serialization mechanism adapts to class changes due to the fact that metadata is automatically extracted from the class definitions | Externalization isn't very flexible and requires you to rewrite your readExternal and writeExternal code whenever you change your class definitions. |
Implicitly serialize super class. | If you are subclassing your externalizable class, you have to invoke your superclass’s implementation. So this causes overhead |
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